For 70-plus years, the so-called field of "scientific ufology" has been a misnomer for truly viable UAP/AAO/UFO research and investigation. The effort to ascertain the nature and capabilities of these mysterious objects has been stymied by the mercurial aspect of their tricksterish manifestation, and the prohibitive cost of viable, diagnostic technology. What we've been left with, for decades, is a bewildering, growing pile of anecdotal reports that are impossible to analyze effectively—garbage in/garbage out. It's like we've been driving the car of UFO science forward by using the rear-view mirror to see where we're headed. Something has to change, and perhaps this perplexing conundrum may have finally been solved.
UFO Data Acquisition Project (UFODAP) in the The San Luis Valley, CO involves the deployment of pan/tilt/zoom video cameras and multi-sensor data acquisition sensors to properly record real-time UAP/AAO/UFO events. These instruments will document anomalous aerial objects at our first location, America's most active UFO "hot spot," the San Luis Valley, CO. The system will grow from two initial cameras to a three camera system with data sensors to be added as time and funding permit. Multiple cameras and sensors allows for all-important "triangulation." The triangulation feature will permit an evaluation and determination of object size, distance, altitude, speed and acceleration.
The system's cameras will be controlled by customized, motion tracking software and our triangulation software. When anomalous movement is detected by the automatic motion detection software, the system will go into record mode as the cameras coordinate their function and follow the moving objects, zooming in for better identification. With multiple cameras, the triangulated position of the object will also be located on Google maps for precise GPS location and tracking. This position will be recorded along with coordinated video and data from the cameras and the other sensors.
This amount of scientific information has never before been publicly accomplished in UFO event detection, and this is the first time a project of this size and scope has been initiated in the private sector.
UFODAP is also slated to include recording sensors to determine changes in the Earth's magnetic and gravitational fields. Electro-magnetic detectors and other measuring equipment will be encased in environmental enclosures—all operated over the Internet under automatic control of our unique customized software. These enclosures protect the gear from minus -40F degrees to 120F degree environmental conditions.
It is our goal to expand a growing network of these triangulated sensor systems to other hot spots around North America and then the world. Some possible additional locations include: San Pedro, CA; Mt. Adams, WA: Dulce, NM; Pine Bush, NY; White Sands, NM; Black Hills, SD: Bridgewater Triangle, New England, etc.
We are scheduled to begin installation in the San Luis Valley—our first location—in mid-September 2018
Our engineer, Ron Olch, has spent over six years and written 60K +lines of code and done a masterful job developing these sophisticated software programs and the hardware interface. All of this work over with an intensive four-year effort. The UFODAP team is excited and eager to finally become operational so thank you for your interest and for YOUR kind support!
The San Luis Valley is the largest alpine valley in the world. It is also the largest and highest freshwater aquifer in North America. Teams from the Smithsonian Institution and other scientists have been gathering evidence of human habitation at various sites in the valley for decades, and it is established that the meadows west of the Great Sand Dunes been visited by humans for eleven thousand years. Breathtaking spear points have been found with mastodon tusks from some of the last remaining herds.
Below the dunes, the 4,000 square mile, semi-arid desert SLV floor is perched at an average elevation of 7,600 feet, over a mile-and-a-half above sea level. The vast valley floor averages less than five inches of rainfall per year. The valley’s entire wishbone shape, over 130 miles long, is ringed by majestic forested mountains that soar skyward on all sides.
Behind the Great Sand Dunes, to the east, stands a solid wall of rock soaring to heights of over 14,000 feet, the imposing Sangre de Cristo Mountains or Sisniijiini (‘black Sash Medicine belt’) in the native Dine’ tradition. This cluster of promontories at the valley’s midpoint, called the ‘Blanca Massif’ for convenience, contains the valley’s highest mountains. This 25 square-mile jumble of peaks stand like a host of brooding sentinels. For thousands of years, Blanca Peak and its lofty neighbors have been the focus of Native American myth and tradition and this stretch of the Sangres is rumored to contain doorways or portals into another realm where “all thought originates.” 12 different Indian (Southwestern, Great Basin and Plains) tribes shared what was considered a sacred “bloodless” valley; location of the “Sacred Mountain of the East” and the Sipapu, or “place of emergence.” Indeed, the area of the Sangres around the dunes appear to be ground zero in the mysterious SLV as does this stretch of the range. The Sangres are the longest continuous mountain chain in North America. The southern end of the valley is dominated on its eastern side by the Sangres’ Wheeler Peak, the highest mountain in New Mexico located just east of Taos, NM.
The entire western side of the SLV is bordered by the older San Juan Mountains, which rise above a labyrinth of deep valleys and roaring rivers to their west. The famous Rio Grande River originates here in the San Juan Mountains, just west of the SLV near Creede, Colorado. From there, it snakes its way into the valley’s midpoint and then heads southward to the Gulf of Mexico.
The Sangre de Cristo/Rio Grande Rift is considered to be the second longest rift valley on the planet, bested only by the Great Rift Valley in Africa. Straddling the backbone of North America, the San Juan and Sangre de Cristo Mountains merge at the extreme northern end of the valley in Saguache County, after emptying over one hundred creeks into the largest freshwater aquifer in the United States.
The southern portion of the valley was the first officially settled region of Colorado, and two-thirds of the way down the valley’s length, below the Colorado- New Mexico border, are some of the oldest European settlements in the United States. San Luis, in Costilla County Colorado, founded in 1851, is the oldest town in Colorado. As a result of the sixteenth and seventeenth century influx of settlers migrating north from Taos and the New Mexico Territory, today the southern part of the geographic valley has a rich cultural tradition with Spanish-speaking residents making up half the population.
Physically and metaphorically isolated from the outside world, this unique Hispano subculture has developed its own special character, combining mystical elements of indigenous Native American beliefs with an Old World style of fundamentalist Catholic piety. This close-knit Hispanic population is very superstitious, wary of outsiders, and their peculiar beliefs incorporate much myth, magic and some traditional beliefs found nowhere else.
In the mid-1600s Spanish conquistadores and missionaries followed the Rio Grande River Valley north to the Taos Pueblo, oldest continuously inhabited dwellings in North America. The gold-seeking Spanish were driven out by the Indians for 13 years in 1680, but by the early 1700s, Spanish settlers had reached what is now Colorado. Life was hard at 7,000 feet.
The many room Taos Pueblo is the oldest continuously inhabited dwelling in North America. The gold-seeking Spanish were driven out by the Indians for 13 years in 1680, but by the early 1700s, Spanish settlers had reached into del norte’ —what is now known as Colorado.
Hotspot regions like the San Luis Valley are veritable magnets for reports of paranormal events. But unfortunately, any attempt to define what constitutes a truly “paranormal” event is wrought with perilous philosophic and scientific challenges, and a lack of hard data. In the SLV, knowledge of past-unexplained activity has not traveled out into the mainstream of the valley culture.
As in prehistoric times, experiencers’ and witnesses’ quiet descriptions to friends and family filtered only slowly into the greater local population, with the details subtly shaded or lost as the stories were told and re-told for generations.
In the past 100 years, small town papers occasionally hinted that these unexplained events were occurring only if reporters were assigned to the story. More widely-known accounts and personal experiences were recounted at family gatherings, picnics, at the post office, over the backyard fence and out in the grocery store parking lot. In this modern age of instant communication, local knowledge of inexplicable events echo around the SLV more readily. And, as in other hotspot regions, word of unexplained activity appears to be firmly embedded in the population. This ‘instant communication’ and our level of affordable technology combines to make everyone a potential investigator!
The key is coordinating efforts and communicating with an assortment of local law enforcement officials, a skywatcher network, other amateur and professional investigators and local newspaper reporters.
SLV residents investigated and documented an intensive seven-year wave of unexplained phenomenal events between 1992 and 1999. Hundreds of anomalous aerial object and light sightings were documented.
Prior to this time period, this forgotten region at the top of North America called the SLV had been determined in 1990 to be the world’s Number One per capita UFO hotspot (Computer UFO Network, with 257 sightings per 10,000 in population) and contained four of the top ten counties. Now, with the additional amount of sighting reports and claims documented since 1990, this region makes an obvious, perfect test case region for the UFODAP team.
The San Luis Valley (SLV), (located in South central Colorado and North central New Mexico), is the largest alpine valley in the world. Zebulon Pike was the first white American to cross the Sangre De Cristo Mountains into this 120-mile-long-by-forty-mile wide territory. The four-thousand-square-mile, semiarid desert valley floor sits at an average elevation of 7,600 feet, over a mile and a half above sea level, and averages less than five inches of rainfall per year.
Its entire wishbone shape is ringed by majestic forested mountains on all sides. Along the entire eastern side of the valley stands a solid wall of rock soaring to heights of over fourteen thousand feet–the imposing Sangres de Cristos. The second youngest mountain range in the continental United States, the peaks owe their jagged appearance to their relatively young age. The red dot is Archuleta Mesa just north of Dulce, New Mexico; alleged location of an underground base.
The Great Sand Dunes Wilderness is the world’s highest (and probably strangest) dune field. Rising over 700 feet above the valley floor, the age of this 50 square-mile pile of sand is still not precisely known. Official dating puts its age at less than 11,000 years, but it could be older. Some of the earliest traces of man in North America can be found within a few miles of this enigmatic wonder. Man may have visited here before the dunes were formed.