Oscura Peak is a steep, sharp mountain located at the extreme northern portion of the classified White Sands Missile Base—located just southeast of Socorro, NM. This is the location of many little-known sighting events including a sensational event that occurred on July 19, 1978. Oscura Peak is also the location of [Apache Chief] Victorio’s lost gold treasure said to be “1
Chestnut Ridge and right region around the Derry Township, in southwestern Pennsylvania is arguably one of the East Coast’s most active regions and ranks near the top of America’s most active regions. Dozens of creature sightings that include bigfoot and thunderbirds and a continual ebbing and flowing of top UFO sightings have been reported since pioneer times w/ docu
The Bridgewater Triangle refers to an area of about 200 square miles within southeastern Massachusetts in the United States,claimed to be a site of alleged paranormal phenomena, ranging from UFOs to poltergeists, orbs, balls of fire and other spectral phenomena, various bigfoot-like sightings, giant snakes and "thunderbirds." Bridgewater Triangle encompasses th
Brown Mountain, North Carolina is the location of one of America’s most famous and oldest continuous localized unexplained light phenomenon. Usually spotted fairly close to the ground, the Brown Mountain “ghost” lights can be seen from the Blue Ridge Parkway, NC Highway 181 between Morganton, NC and Linville, NC. Additionally, good sightings of the Lights have been
The Estrella Mountains and nearby Rainbow Valley are located south and west of Phoenix. AZ and directly south of Luke Air Force Base and is the site of numerous UFO sighting events and the location of an alleged “portal” on a Rainbow Valley ranch. The owners of the ranch claimed to have endured numerous “alien” visitations and many unexplained paranormal-like events. T
Besides the San Luis Valley, this region in Central Utah could very well be America’s most anomalous region. Location of the Ute Indian Reservation, actual documentation of many of the events said to occur here is hard to pin down because of the reluctance of local people to engage with outsiders about their so-called “paranormal” activity. Just south of Ft. Duschane, UT is the
If you create a triangle between Mt. Adams, the Yakima Indian Reservation to the east and the town of Trout Lake WA, to the south, you have one of America's most active hot spot regions. Our own founder (along w/ investigator Saundra Marsh) filmed a craft that circled around them at low altitude one night back in 2005 and since the mid-90s, James Gilliland and guests at hi