A 25x optical zoom camera mated with a 300 line/mm, 17.5 degree blaze grating in a water-proof housing magnetically attached to a PTZ camera.
A smaller, 25mm square grating is now being tested for use on a wider variety of cameras.
At issue is the quality of the resulting spectrum data. Advanced image processing might be employed to resolve this.
Measures and sends temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed and wind direction.
solar-powered and interfaced to the MSDAU via WiFi.
UPDATE -- Rather than requiring a different type of DAU, a HackRF One receiver, similar to that shown here is an option for an MSDAU. Via the UFODAP Mission Control software, the bandwidth of this SDR is selectable in any range within 1 to 6000 MHz (6 GHz).
This is now available as an option for any MSDAU. An alternative 25-1750 MHz SDR is also available.
Development of a software interface and a dual-camera mounting platform for this PoE-compatible, all-weather P/T head.
One cable for head & cameras.
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Test capture of the optical spectra of aircraft lights using the PTZ camera with grating